File explanations: --> turns the input ctgn_snps.csv into a fasta format. CTGN_scored_SNPs.txt --> Scored SNPs are created from probe process (Left and right spacing. All are strict. ctgn_sequences.fasta --> output of Conversion of ctgn_snps.csv. ctgn_snps.csv --> Original input 4,862 probes and their genotypes. ctgn.vcf --> pseudo vcf files of CTGN SNPs. final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.bed --> sam to bed using samtools and bedtools. final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.fasta --> Output of Ready for alignment! final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.sam --> Output of bowtie2 alignment. final_formatted_probes_for_alignment_stats.txt --> Samtools alignment statistics. --> Turns trimmed_selected_probes.txt to final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.fasta. Changes SNP to IUPAC and makes format correct for genome alignment using bowtie2. --> Choses from final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.bed those that matched perfectly. trimmed_selected_probes.txt --> Trimming ctgn_sequences.fasta to 70 nt segments. unannotated_scored_SNPs.txt --> Concat of CTGN_scored_SNPs.txt and scored snps from probe creation without IUPAC sequences. unannotated_SNP_probes.txt --> Probes created from unannotated_scored_SNPs.txt, but without SNPeff adjustment. --> Turns selected final_formatted_probes_for_alignment.bed to ctgn.vcf