File explanations: kmers_of_all_probes_genome_analyzed.txt --> Kmer to its mapping rate in genome. --> Takes in kmer_to_genome_prevalence_table.txt and creates kmer_to_genome_prevalence_table.txt. Tallies each of a probe's kmers to that particular kmer mapping rate. --> First step. Takes in probes created from that have no IUPACS and creates kmers_of_all_probes_genome_analyzed.txt. Kmers are 18bt in length and right column is how many times the sequence was hit in the sliding window. kmer_to_genome_prevalence_table.txt --> Probe kmer to its mapping rate in genome. Probe identified. --> Creates variant_to_mapping_score.txt from kmers_of_all_probes_genome_analyzed.txt. --> Creates statistics variant_to_mapping_score.txt --> Variant scaffold position to its hit score. Higher number means the probe has sequence that is less unique. Used as input For final probe creation as a score of 286 or higher means the variant is a HIGHMAP